HubSpot and WordPress Websites for Small Business

Designed within a website plan that matches your visitor’s intent.

375% Increase in Deal Value

I re-listened to our call about pricing & value, and got totally grounded in the value I bring. My new client said, “I think that’s a really worthwhile investment.”
Heather Spurrell
Relationship Coach

12x Booking Increase

We get more business from our website in a month now, than what we used to get in a whole year. What you do is amazing.
Gerald Miller
Future Now Carpet Cleaning

An Instant Spike in Performance

We saw an instant spike in site performance and are continuing to improve with Kayak as our partner.
Bill Brunton
Habitat for Humanity

See more reviews.

How did Heather, Gerald, and Bill realize success?

They followed Kayak’s website plan, which works to convert both those visitors who are ready to buy and those who are not ready to buy.

The best websites for small businesses take visitor intent seriously. Let’s take a look at what visitor intent looks like.

Why do websites for small business tend to focus on the 5%?

Potential buyers are relatively easy targets for well-crafted bulk email and ad campaigns specifically because these people are ready to buy. Support them in knowing their decision is a good one.

Crafting competitive offers that reflect the desires of those ready to buy is purposeful. Reference behavior profiles when optimizing content, segmenting, targeting, and personalizing messages to improve conversion rates. Human behavior is predictable.

We help you convert more buyers by creating and referencing detailed customer profiles with insight gained through both customer research and predictable buyer behavior models.

Why direct efforts toward the other 95% if they aren’t buying?

Researchers act as influencers, advocates, and champions. They are motivated by making sense out of complex things and finding answers to their questions. Their goal is knowledge.

Sales messaging falls flat on researchers. They aren’t swayed by discounts, bundles, anchors, or other pricing strategies … because they aren’t buying. They seek to gain clarity and understanding. Once you’ve provided these things, you will have gained their trust and their referral.

We help you transform researchers into trusted advocates who willingly recommend you to their contacts who buy. This is achieved through the creation and deployment of quality content crafted for them.

We work with the world’s leading website platforms for small business.


Kayak creates high-end HubSpot Websites.


Kayak creates easy-to-use WordPress Websites.

Elevate the conversation: outcomes, not tasks.

Our history spans nearly three decades in creative development, strategic planning, and high-performance websites. To date, we’ve completed literally thousands of projects internationally and locally.

Our approach is two-fold:

As a result, we’ve had a far greater impact on our clients’ success. Listen to the “Elevating the Conversation” podcast below to learn more about our approach to helping you succeed.

In a nutshell, our mission is not to do more for you, but to put you in a position to do more for yourself.

Randy Milanovic
Elevating the Conversation

YouX Podcaster Matt Johnson interviews Kayak’s founder Randy Milanovic on pursuing client-centered outcomes, and the convergence of agency and business consultancy models.

Join more than 600 organizations with whom we’ve worked over the years to attract new leads and grow their business.

Our founder is a 2013 Calgary Small Business of the Year finalist and 2015 Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year nominee.