do you know the 5 must use apps for b2b marketing 1200x700 1 Do You Know the 5 Must-Use Apps for B2B Marketing?

Do You Know the 5 Must-Use Apps for B2B Marketing?

We’ve reached the point where there truly is an app for almost everything, and yet most businesses aren’t making great use of the ones that could actually help them to sell more and develop stronger customer relationships.

In an age where it isn’t unusual to have several different apps to help you make a grocery list, manage your calendar, or check flight information, why aren’t more business-to-business professionals using their smartphones to amplify online marketing results?

In most cases, we think it’s because they simply aren’t aware of the apps that are out there – or how powerful they can be. To help you spot new opportunities, here are five must-use B2B apps for 2013:

ONE – LinkedIn.

By making it easier for you to connect with the one social media site designed for professionals and business networking opportunities, this app can help you do a lot of things. Not only does it keep you up to date with news about your contacts and industry, but it also makes it convenient to post new articles, share information and communicate. That means better engagement with colleagues and potential customers, and a convenient way to stay on top of your growing network. Tip: Use the calendar in-line sync to get a quick preview of your contact’s profile before you head out to meet them at a local coffee shop.

TWO – atQuota.

Wish you could quickly glance at one screen and see the “big picture” view of your ongoing sales opportunities, along with the values, timelines, and status of each? That’s what atQuota provides – fast and easy sales funnel/pipeline management right from your smartphone or tablet. From simple reports to more detailed targeting and opportunity review tools, it’s like having a full-time sales manager sitting in your pocket. Tip: use it as a snapshot of your sales funnel, not for quota enforcement.

THREE – HootSuite.

Marketed as a “social media management dashboard,” HootSuite is one of those rare apps that lives up to its name. From its simple interface, you can update social profiles, add new contacts, schedule tweets, and messages, or even analyze social media traffic patterns. Given that the heart of social marketing lies in engagement, real-time communications, and relationship building, having this kind of power and flexibility in the palm of your hand (and away from your office) can be a real difference-maker. Tip: schedule sharing to deploy when your prospects are online.

FOUR – Zopim Chat.

This app, which allows for real-time chat support through your business website, can provide a real boost to your sales and customer service efforts. That’s because it allows you or a team member to be available at all times, virtually speaking, which can be incredibly important if the products or services you sell are complex. Given the longer sales cycle and higher dollar amounts that are involved in a lot of B2B purchases, being accessible to buyers at the moment when they are thinking about making a purchase can be a huge advantage. Tip: treat chats the same way you treat your phone.

FIVE – Twitter.

As with the LinkedIn app, the Twitter interface is incredibly useful because it lets you leverage an important social media site with relative ease. Whether you want to manage lists, engage followers, or simply use Twitter as a stronger texting tool, it only takes a few seconds of clicking to find the feature you want. Plus, having Twitter available from mobile devices means you can broadcast news, discounts, updates, and answers to frequently asked questions from anywhere, and at any time. Tip: be authentic and conversational.

Using these apps and learning to use them properly should take you less than 90 minutes, and could save you endless amounts of time and energy later while helping you to connect with prospects and customers more effectively. So, there’s no excuse for not making the most of business-to-business apps this year… give them a shot and see what they can do for your sales and marketing potential!

Want more great advice on social media and digital marketing? Contact the team at Kayak today to set up a time to talk.


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