marketing isnt about you Marketing Isn't About You

Marketing Isn’t About You

Marketing is about your customer.

Owners, executives, managers, and employees are all hopefully very proud of the work they do. But when it comes to marketing your business it’s not about the work that you do. It’s about the benefit to the customer. This is especially true when it comes to building a valuable online presence through social media.

I know how exciting it is when you figure out a new system that makes it easier to do your job, or you bought a brand new piece of equipment. Many inexperienced social media marketers will take to their Twitter accounts and announce they have just purchased “Machine X,” cutting their production time by 10%! Well, so what…

(MORE: Social Media: “How Little Can I Do?”)

The trick here is using your skills as a marketer to take this event and make it customer-centric. What’s the value in this newsworthy item for your customer? Now that production time is reduced, maybe you can speed up your order fulfillment. Maybe you will pass your cost savings onto your customer. Maybe it makes a higher quality product. Whatever is of value to your customer, share that. If you bought this new machine to increase productivity and increase your margins, I would say it’s not the best thing to share on your social media.

Think about things you like to share with your personal network, or the things other people share that isn’t “noise.” Try to craft your social media presence off of that. Shareable content is what will help you expand your reach and attract new eyes.

What are some ideas for shareable content? Here’s 5:

1. Video – You can do something visually creative, musical, funny, or all three like Old Spice’s Muscle Music (when the video is over, press “F” on your keyboard and have some fun making your own music)

Old Spice Muscle Music from Terry Crews on Vimeo.

2. Blogs – Short, long, casual, filled with industry jargon, choose your style based on who you want your audience to be and what your goals are.
3. eBooks and eGuides – Create extra content and make it downloadable (don’t forget about lead capture on these).
4. Infographics – Finding a creative way to visually represent data can be a way to make otherwise dry data appealing and shareable.
5. Thoughtful social media updates – When you aren’t sharing any of the above options, you still need to find a way to be interesting in 140 characters or less.

At Kayak we offer a comprehensive 1 on 1 social media training program to get you up speed with social media and comfortable building your brand online. Click the button below for more details.


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