noteworthy online marketing infographics from contentverve 1 Noteworthy: Online Marketing Infographics From ContentVerve

Noteworthy: Online Marketing Infographics From ContentVerve

If you’ve ever had the feeling that online marketing is great but learning about it is a chore, then I have an awesome resource to share with you today.

That’s because ContentVerve – a peer leader when it comes to thoughts around online copy and conversions – has posted more than 100 different infographics on the subject.

Whether you want to climb to a top position on Google, learn how to get others to retweet your messages, or build the perfect landing page, you can find everything you need to get started in a fun, easy-to-understand format.

You can see all the infographics here, but below you’ll find a few quick tips from three of our favourites…

How to Optimize Contact Forms For Conversions

Wondering why potential subscribers change their minds at the last moment? Or, looking for ways to turn more website visitors into leads? Either way, this is one infographic you don’t want to miss. Here are a few of the highlights:

Less is more. You can potentially double the response rates you get from your contact forms by asking for three pieces of information or fewer. Longer forms discourage feedback.

Only get what you need. If you don’t need things like a subscriber’s gender, phone number, or street address, don’t ask for them – each of these decreases response rates, and usually doesn’t help you move any closer to a business relationship.

Tread lightly. Phrases like “click here” and “go” were much friendlier to subscribers then “submit” or “register.” Make it easy and pressure-free for people to sign up.

It’s amazing what a few simple tweaks to your contact form can mean to your overall profitability. For more great tips, and the research behind them, check out the full infographic here:

The Lead Generation Manifesto

It’s simple psychology: People won’t give up something they value enough to protect (like their email address) unless you’re willing to give them something they want even more in return. That means great content and a smooth sales funnel are critical when it comes to generating sales opportunities from website visitors.

Here are a few thoughts and observations from ContentVerve’s awesome lead generation manifesto:

Choose the right tools for the job. Although blogs generated the highest percentage of leads, marketers can do well with press releases, e-books, infographics, and other forms of digital content if they are compelling enough.

Give your value, not your time. Once you understand what viewers and potential customers really want from you, you can create it quickly. In fact, a 27-page e-book can sometimes be finished and published in 24 hours or less.

Conversions aren’t ending points. In one study, nearly two-thirds of all registrars didn’t show up for a webinar. By continuing to market to people who don’t follow through, you can often recapture leads.

Keep in touch. Similarly, only about 21% of marketing leads will turn into new accounts or orders. You can greatly increase that percentage by nurturing contacts on a consistent basis.

Conversions are the key to lead generation results, but you have to know where to get new contacts and how to treat them. See the complete lead generation manifesto here:

What to do After You Finish a Blog Post

So, you’ve written something informative and insightful that you just know readers will get a lot out of. It’s time to post it and congratulate yourself on a job well done, right?

Not so fast… first you’ll want to follow these twelve tips to make the most of your work:

  1. Add a few search-friendly keywords, especially to your blog post title.
  2. Syndicate your content so it’s easy to find elsewhere.
  3. Shorten the URL so it’s easier to post and share on social media sites.
  4. Send status updates from your own social profiles to get more attention.
  5. Post teasers elsewhere on the web to draw readers into your work.
  6. Use social bookmarking to make your content stand out.
  7. Comment on other blogs to share information and attract new readers.
  8. Find users on Twitter with questions similar to your post and provide helpful answers.
  9. Put a link to your latest blog post in your email signature.
  10. Email details of your post to specific customers who you know will be interested.
  11. Add the blog post title, and a link, to your next email newsletter.
  12. See if you can get other bloggers to mention your post.

Writing great blog content is only half the battle. To help others find your great ideas, you have to do the hard work of promoting it, too. See the whole infographic here:

On a personal note, I love it when peers do good things. – Randy


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