photo1 The Struggle with SEO

The Struggle with SEO

Business owners and SEO: it’s a love-hate thing

What is there to love?

Lots! A business website that has been optimized for search engines can experience an amazing ROI.

By simply showing up on the first page of a Google, Yahoo, or Bing search of your most important and relevant keywords, you could see an increase of hundreds or even thousands of visitors and potential clients every day.

Ok… now for the not so good news.

Putting together a site that will show up on the first page of a search on some of your most important keywords is a bit like writing a novel, or running a marathon. You want the achievement, but don’t look forward to the time and effort to make it happen.

Good SEO takes time. Plus, if you’re hiring a professional SEO team to help you out you’ll be spending money up front where you’re least likely to see results.

So what’s the answer?

You’re going to have to deal with it the same way novelists, marathon runners, and others with a long-term goal have to – by constantly reminding yourself of the good reasons you’re going through the effort.

If you’re not a fan of waiting, then you certainly aren’t alone. However, time and effort are the only proven (and ethical) strategies to search engine optimization success. Stick it out, get help, and stick it out again. Soon enough you’ll be one of the business owners who love search engine optimization, too!

See how SEO and many other online marketing activities contribute to your ROI.


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