why you cant prioritize online marketing pieces over the whole 1200x700 1 Why You Can't Prioritize Online Marketing Pieces Over the Whole

Why You Can’t Prioritize Online Marketing Pieces Over the Whole

If there is one error that is more common than any other in online marketing, it would probably be prioritizing the pieces over the puzzle.

In other words, a lot of businesses suffer from a severe case of myopia when it comes to their favorite tactic or metric, and they pay so much attention to one activity or goal that they lose track of what actually matters – generating inbound leads through their business websites.

Why is this such a terrible idea? Think about it this way: Few of us would enjoy a cymbal without the orchestra around it, but used properly and in sync, it can add the perfect touch to a piece or movement. The various aspects of online marketing are the same way, with each one adding a new dimension to your plan, or your relationship with customers, that is important to the whole, but not so important that it should overshadow everything else.

Or, to put things more plainly, paying more attention to parts of your plan than the plan’s goals always leads to poorer outcomes. In fact, here are seven fairly common symptoms that we see all the time:

1. A beautiful web design without an equally impressive Internet marketing plan.

This is what we at Kayak like to call the “web sign” conundrum. If your site looks great, but isn’t an effective business tool, then it really isn’t doing anything to help your company, is it?

2. Lots of search engine traffic, but very few conversions.

When lots of visitors come to your site and don’t respond or take any action, that’s a very clear sign that you have big problems with your message and/or content. It’s also a sign that you’re missing out on big opportunities to find new business.

3. A site that’s rich with insightful content, but doesn’t get any visitors.

Although a lot of companies tend to put too much emphasis on search engine optimization, and not enough on the quality of their content, the opposite can occasionally be true. If your content isn’t easy to find and scan, it probably won’t be noticed by searchers.

4. A social media platform with lots of fans and followers, but no bottom-line impact.

Businesses are trying anything they can these days to attract fans and followers, but sheer numbers aren’t enough to make an impact in social media marketing. For your profiles and content to really matter, you need a higher level of engagement that leads to action.

5. Information pieces that aren’t generating subscribers.

If you have offers on your website that no one is taking you up on, then you have one of two problems: either the right people aren’t finding it, or you need to provide more value for them to exchange email addresses and other contact information.

6. Extensive contact lists without new leads or sales opportunities.

Having a massive contact list, especially through email, doesn’t guarantee future sales opportunities. Smart companies have a strategy for automated follow-up, not just a list of names and addresses.

7. Moderate online marketing success that never shows growth or improvement.

When you focus too much firepower on any one tactic, you may actually see success or improvement for a while. Over time, though, the gains will be limited, and you’ll be left wondering how to accomplish more.

The bottom line is that every part of your online marketing campaign is important, and some are absolutely critical. When you spend too much time thinking about pieces rather than the puzzle, however, you start to become less and less effective. It’s only when all the instruments are playing together, and all the different elements are in sync, that you can create amazing results through your business website. Don’t settle for anything less.

Want to work with an online marketing partner that understands how to use different methods and ideas in concert with one another? Contact Kayak today and ask for a free consultation.


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