WordPress Websites that Rank Beautifully

Our WordPress Websites Beat Wix, Weebly, and Squarespace in Google’s Core Web Vitals.

Stellar Website SEO Scores

We’ve tested and configured WPRocket to achieve incredible 100/100 scores on the platform. The only thing you need to worry about is content optimization. (How are scores calculated?)

We’ve Been Creating WordPress Websites Since 2009

Since beginning our journey with WordPress back in 2009, the team at Kayak has designed and developed countless small business websites on WordPress. While each website project has had unique needs, every one of them has something in common… they follow best practices for design & development and are built for qualification and conversion.

Our WordPress Websites Look Great On All Devices

Our toolset empowers WordPress users to create unique and meaningful content in the native WordPress editor. With our editing toolkit, the WordPress editor becomes a powerful page builder with all the controls and functionality you could wish for.

Effortlessly Build with a Drop-in Design Library

Quickly launch any project with our easy-to-use prebuilt library. Browse by category or search to find the content pieces you want to drop into your pages. Adjust text, tweak the styles and you’re on your way! Beautiful inspiration for your next project is right at your fingertips.

Our current WordPress tech configuration.

Native Block Environment (No Page-builders Needed)

We’ve incorporated both Gutenberg and custom block types for layout and design and online store functionality. In doing so, we eliminated the bloat associated with page builders and gave you incredible control over your website design.

Best in Class Plugins

Sitekit by Google, RankMath SEO, WPRocket, Kadence Blocks, HubSpot, SiteShop Oline Store, Google Fonts, INK Ai, Events Calendar, Gravity Forms, and a whole lot more.



Google Analytics



Website Speed



Advanced Forms



CRM, Email, Forms



Online Store



Block Designer

ink ai


Ai Optimization Editor



Google/Bing SEO



CMS with Gutenberg

Layout Controls

Build any layout you can imagine and control it for any size with our row/layout block.

Intelligent Load

Blocks only load CSS or Javascript when you need it and only for the blocks you are using on a specific page.

Responsive Controls

Tweak your design for each screen size. Edit tablet and mobile settings while previewing in the WordPress editor.

Layout Controls

Build any layout you can imagine and control it for any size with our row/layout block.

Typography Controls

Choose from 900+ google fonts and design your site with complete typography control.

1500+ SVG Icons

Adjust everything from size, color, and even stoke width. Plus they load fast because no font family is loaded!

Color and Background Controls

Gradients, Overlays, Blends, Parallax Backgrounds, Borders, etc. You can control all the design settings!

Configurable Defaults

Make development a breeze. Once the default settings are defined every time you add a block those settings will automatically be applied.

Setting Visibility Controls

Hide block settings from certain user roles so they can focus on content and you can keep them out of the block designs.

Spacing Controls

Control paddings and margins for your blocks in whatever units you like. Customize responsively for precision spacing and design.

Supported by Expert Webmasters

We’ve got you covered. Our webmasters and web designers have been creating powerful websites for more than a decade. Plus, we’re connected to some of the most highly-skilled people. If we can’t do it, we know who can.

Reach out to Randy now. Let’s see what we can do to create your best website ever.

We offer a PRO upgrade for power users.

PRO: Animate on Scroll

Create a beautiful experience for your visitors with on-scroll animation to reveal your content in an engaging way.

PRO: Custom Icons

Never be without the perfect icon, with custom icons you can upload your own custom icon or an entire set.

PRO: Dynamic Content

Dynamically pull custom fields into your blocks for powerful site control. Really useful for hooked elements.

PRO: Custom Fonts

Create the perfect design with the perfect font. Easily upload a custom font or use Adobe Fonts.

PRO: Premium Design Library

Speed up your development with access to all of the premium design library items and starter sites.

PRO: Page Specific Scripts

Need to add custom tracking script to a single page or post, now you can right in the editor tools.

WordPress Website Options

The team at Kayak creates WordPress websites in a variety of configurations.

Multisite Development

Multiple locations, chains, franchises, and memberships.

wpSites website

Shared tech stack, includes technical maintenance.

from $125 USD/yr

Stand-alone website

Tailored tech stack, online store, and more plus technical maintenance.

from $199 USD/yr

wpSites Managed VPS + website

Ask us about managing your VPS.

from $2999/USD/yr

Elevate the conversation: outcomes, not tasks.

Our history spans nearly three decades in creative development, strategic planning, and high-performance websites. To date, we’ve completed literally thousands of projects internationally and locally.

Our approach is two-fold:

As a result, we’ve had a far greater impact on our clients’ success.

WordPress websites are much too complex. By pre-selecting and pre-configuring best-in-class plugins, we eliminate most of that complexity, speed up your site, and let you focus on your content.

Randy Milanovic