calgary rijeka citiescapes 1200x700 2 Going Global: Now Marketing on Both Sides of the Atlantic

Going Global: Now Marketing on Both Sides of the Atlantic

If you’ve been following KAYAK’s progress at all, you’ll know that we’ve been growing by leaps and bounds over the past few years, making it onto the pages of mainstream media, including The Calgary Herald, Forbes, The Financial Post, Ottawa Citizen, and even the CTV news for our unique approach.

While those things are pretty darn cool, our focus has always been on getting better, not necessarily bigger. We aren’t apt to take on a new client, open a new office, or hire a new team member just for the fun of it (or to pad the bottom line). For us, finding a perfect fit is more important than anything else.

That’s why we’re excited to announce that we’ve made a special new connection.

KAYAK Online Marketing and ICONIS Agency are working together to tackle some very interesting projects in North America, Europe and around the globe; a collaboration that’s bound to be great for everyone involved.

When we first came across the team at ICONIS, believe it or not, neither side was looking for a new partner. In fact, the thing that brought us together was that our two founders – Randy and Muamer – shared many of the same philosophies with regards to marketing and commitment to client betterment. Both felt that there was a huge need for insightful content, meaningful engagement, and real business-building opportunities via the web, on a global scale.

Countless conversations in Google Plus later, we realized that KAYAK and ICONIS had some nicely complementary skills. While the KAYAK team were burning it up with online marketing and SEO in Canada, the team at ICONIS were generating some of the best design and coding projects in Europe.

Everyone at our firms is excited to see what we can produce as a global team… if you are curious as well, feel free to touch base to learn what this new trans-atlantic relationship could mean for your marketing needs going forward.

Feel free to reach out to Randy and Muamer on Gplus:

Randy Milanovic, Principal, KAYAK Online Marketing

Muamer Mujević, Creative Director, ICONIS Agency

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