4 questions to ask before choosing an online marketing team 4 Questions To Ask Before Choosing an Online Marketing Team

4 Questions To Ask Before Choosing an Online Marketing Team

Choosing an Online Marketing Team?

4 Questions To Ask Before You Choose


The online market is a dynamic place. Technology takes a step forward every few months, meaning online marketers have to continue to evolve. There are new ideas and new companies (like KAYAK!) coming into the picture all the time. So how do you choose someone to help you with your online marketing?

Of course budget and strategies are key components of any business relationship, but before you go that far, take a moment to ask these four questions many clients never think of; they go a long way toward helping you choose the right online marketing partner:

1. What client are you most proud of?

This question allows you to talk to them about their past successes. If they have trouble coming up with any that’s a sure red flag. Also, make sure they mention an objective component. Were they able to show tangible results from their efforts?

2. How long will it take to see results?

This is a trick question, of sorts, but you should ask it anyway. Every business wants results quickly, and even though the online market moves fast, new strategies take time to develop. If a marketer mentions a timeline that seems too good to be true… well, it is. Also, be weary of those who are unable to commit to a timeline.

3. How do they compare to competitors?

The internet is full of self-declared gurus and experts. Will they put their money where their mouths are? Check out their online marketing grade (Marketing Grader) and compare it to their realistic competitors or even the top 3 companies on your list. Stay away from companies scoring less than 70, and look for Certified Inbound Marketing Professionals to be on their team. Please note: score may vary from day to day.

4. Is my online marketing plan scalable?

Having a plan to increase efforts if things go well is just as important as having a backup if things go poorly.

These four simple questions can help you separate the online marketing teams you really want to work with from the ones who are more trouble than they’re worth. Feel free to ask us these questions and whatever other questions you may have about online marketing.


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