how do mobile devices changes your approach to inbound marketing 1200x700 1 How do Mobile Devices Change Your Approach to Inbound Marketing?

How do Mobile Devices Change Your Approach to Inbound Marketing?

It has been known for some time that mobile devices like smart phones and tablets are being bought and activated at a frantic pace.

Too many businesses simply absorb that information, though, without ever really thinking about how it might affect their online marketing plans, at least beyond the need to put up a mobile-friendly version of their website.

With that in mind, we want to raise an important issue today: given that generating inbound leads should be a top priority for most companies, how does the spread of mobile computing affect that goal?

A new study by Smart Insights might shed some light. In their 2013 survey, they highlight some interesting trends, noting that even though mobile usage continues to expand (as expected), conversions on some devices are better than others. Namely, users coming to sites via smart phones tend not to convert as well as those on tablets, or more traditional computers.

So, how can you use those insights to boost conversions? Here are four quick ideas:

1. Don’t change anything.

Generally speaking, ignoring any online marketing trend is a bad idea, especially one as powerful and pervasive as mobile browsing. And yet, it’s fair to recognize that some kinds of products and services will probably never be popular with mobile users, simply because people don’t look for certain things while they are on the go. If you sell something extraordinarily complex (like customized wealth management, for example) you might be able to get away with keeping a minimal mobile web presence and not worrying a great deal about mobile conversions.

2. Consider a mobile-only conversion option.

Alternatively, the low rates associated with smart phone conversions mean that you might want a different kind of site, or conversion page, for these users. The call to action, digital offer, or other details might vary a bit from your “traditional” package, especially if it makes it faster or easier for them to follow up. Try to think about things from your customers’ point of view, and then make your landing pages as convenient as possible.

3. Give out apps, instead of information.

The Smart Insights study noted that many mobile users spend the majority of their time working with apps. That means your smart move for more conversions might not be to offer more information, as you would on a traditional website, but through customized apps that help build a relationship with your business. You might not be able to profit from the sale of these apps, but they could be a way of introducing new prospects to your sales funnel.

4. Engage smartphone users on social media sites.

Along with apps, smart phone users tend to spend a lot of their time on social networking sites. That means there could be a big opportunity for you to attract them through short messages and images on Facebook, Twitter, and elsewhere. Best of all, prospects who come to you through social media can be followed up with through e-mail and other channels again later, when you can earn a bigger share of their attention span.

Mobile marketing and mobile web usage are changing the ways we use and think about the Internet, but those changes aren’t necessarily straightforward, and adapting to them requires more than taking the first few basic steps. So, if you’ve made sure your website is mobile-compatible and stopped worry about things from there, it might be time to take the next step and make increasing mobile conversions a real priority.

Ready to do bigger things with inbound lead generation? Ask to see some of our case studies that show what Kayak has been able to do for businesses like yours.


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