how to get more traffic from any search engine position 1200x700 1 How to Get More Traffic From Any Search Engine Position

How to Get More Traffic From Any Search Engine Position

A lot of time and money are spent on improving a business’s website search engine positioning – where it shows in search engine rankings for important keywords and phrases.

There’s a good reason for that: Having one of the best positions on Google and the other search engines can bring you enormous amounts of traffic from qualified buyers night and day.

But while that may be a good goal, too many business owners and online marketers focus solely on their search engine rankings. That is, they fail to take advantage of the current position and traffic they have, no matter where it might be. Here are two ways to avoid making the same mistake:

Tweak your page titles and descriptions.

Depending on the search engine your customers are using, these could appear in the search engine results. For that reason, it’s important that you use a lot of keywords (these will be highlighted for searchers), as well as some sort of strong description or call to action. In other words, rather than simply telling people what your site is, all of your page titles and descriptions should give them a reason to click through.

Think about your visitors as highly as you do search engine spiders.

The goal of attracting visitors to your business website probably isn’t to watch your Google analytics counter increase; you want to turn those people into customers. Remember that, and focus your attention on making your pages customer-friendly as well as search-friendly. Make it easy for people to find what they’re looking for, and use content that invites them to take action or visit other parts of the site. Doing so will help you make the most of the visitors you get, and will probably help your search engine profile at the same time.

You should always be fighting to gain, or keep, one of the top positions on Google and the other major search engines. Don’t get so distracted by this, however, that you fail to take advantage of the search position and flow of visitors that you already have.

Kayak offers a diciplined approach to website success. Learn more about inbound marketing here.


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