under employed website 1200x700 2 Is your Website Underemployed?

Is your Website Underemployed?

Your website isn’t just a marketing item – it’s a potential hub of information, relationship-building, and sales activity. It’s also the most visible component of your marketing plan. Do you get the sense it’s under performing? Let’s check on a few of the most common and telltale signs…

#1 Your Website Isn’t Attracting Qualified Leads

You wouldn’t hire a sales professional who couldn’t generate any leads, so why invest in a website that can’t do the same? Savvy marketers use their pages to attract targeted prospects through search engine optimization and findability. Moreover, they establish strong credentials with good design and relevant information.

Attracting search visits and generating new sales opportunities is arguably the most important goal for your website. Why settle for a message or user experience that isn’t yielding results?

#2 You Have No Viable Social Media Presence

If Google and the other search engines are the biggest and most reliable source of sales opportunities, than social media has to come in a close second. If you aren’t making new connections via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+, then you are missing out on incredibly cost-effective channels to grow your reputation.

Online or off, building a healthy bottom line is about meeting and knowing the right individuals. If your website isn’t complementing your social media marketing, you aren’t giving it enough to do.

#3 Your Website Generates Visits, But it Doesn’t Provide Leads

Having potential buyers visit your website is nice, but eventually some of them need to turn into actual buyers at some point. While your website might not be built for ecommerce, it should be designed with a lead-generation sales funnel, or it’ll be sleeping on the job.

This usually involves bolstering your search engine optimization and social media marketing campaigns with a series of tools or downloads that help visitors qualify themselves as leads.


In this way, your business website can help you generate qualified leads that are more likely to turn into new revenue. It can also help you to filter out prospects who aren’t a good match so they can take their interest elsewhere without eating up time from you or your sales staff.

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#4 Your Website Isn’t the Centrepiece of Your Branding Efforts

You wouldn’t hire an employee who might hurt your public image, because you know they are representing you to customers, vendors, and colleagues. It goes without saying, then, your website shouldn’t be an embarrassment, either. Given that your web presence will be seen many more times than your employees, it makes sense to invest in the right look and a bit of regular maintenance.

If your online layout is incredibly outdated, is slow, or features obvious errors like typos and missing links, and then it isn’t doing much for your brand or public face. Not coincidentally, that’s going to hurt your search, social, and lead generation activities, as well.

mark.pngMark Mestaz
Realtor, Lotus Group Real Estate

…you’re investing in a process that is going to create brand recognition and trust. This process is not growth hacking, this process is putting sweat equity into your business in order to create sustainable growth.

If you get the sense yours is underemployed, why not correct that right now? You might be surprised at just how many jobs your website can handle once set up right.

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