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SMT: Why Rebuilding a Website Is Like Renovating a House

Upgrading or replacing your website should be as simple as choosing a new template, deciding on a colour scheme, and watching the visitors come flocking in from search engines and social profiles, right?

Not really.

In fact, the best analogy we can draw for rebuilding a business website is one of renovating an old house. If you’ve ever been through that process, then you already know it doesn’t happen with the speed you see on TV. Instead, it involves assessing what you have to work with, keeping an eye open for hidden technical challenges, refining design or structural elements, and working away at it until you have something you can live with, or in.

Note that we aren’t trying to dissuade you from upgrading your website. It is likely very necessary if your website has gotten out-of-date. What we’re saying, though, is that you shouldn’t expect it to be a simple, 3-day process – and if another web designer tells you it is, you might want to take your business elsewhere.

To understand why, here are the major steps you’ll have to follow to rebuild a new website from the ground up… [view full article on SocialMediaToday]


3 more things worth checking out…

1. Keith Ferrazzi interviews Gary Vaynerchuk [Youtube VIDEO]

After the release of his latest book, Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook, Gary Vaynerchuk is out on the promotion tour and that’s good news for those who need help with their social media marketing. This in-depth interview touches on everything from value and ROI, to content strategy, to turning a seemingly boring B2B business into a brand with something to contribute. Don’t get scared by the length, it’s worth a watch or even just a listen.

2. 7 Tips for Improving Your Online Marketing Writing

Even if you work with an experienced online marketing team, there are times when you’re bound to have to do a bit of copywriting yourself. Even the busiest business owners and executives get tasked with the occasional tweet, article, or email, and it pays to be able to convey key messages in a succinct way. 2,500+ Shares

3. Dealing with the Ghosts of SEO Consultants Past

While it’s certainly unlucky to be haunted by a dead business partner, all we can say is that Scrooge is lucky he didn’t live in the digital marketing age – for no amount of begging or repenting would have helped him now. 500+ Shares

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