barack obama and the truth behind social media roi Barack Obama and the truth behind Social Media ROI

Barack Obama and the truth behind Social Media ROI

Barack Obama and the ROI of Social Media

Obama joins Instagram

First off, Instagram is a mobile photography application. It applies filters to photos that you’ve taken to give them a retro look. Then it doubles as a social network. While you can automatically post your Instagram photos to Twitter and Facebook, Instagram allows users to follow each other within the app itself.

So why is this important? Well, it’s campaign season in the US and the current President has taken his presence to Instagram. In 2008, it was big news that Obama had won the youth vote by utilizing Facebook and Twitter so well. Now he’s going one step further and joining Instagram (22,790 followers since joining just today!) I’m talking about the most powerful man in the world using Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram in the most important time of any politician’s career, election time.

Many businesses who are hesitant to jump on the social media train are concerned about the return on investment. Will it be worth their time and money to be on social media? The simple answer is, yes. While the value of a “follower” or a “like” is often debated, it’s not debated if it has any value at all.

instagram-iconMeasuring the value of social media is difficult, but so are traditional marketing methods. In fact social media is easier to track, with metrics like clicks, shares, follows, and likes, you can see in real-time how your social media campaigns are doing. The value goes beyond those metrics too. A well put together social media presence offers so much to current and potential customers in the way of information and communication.

If Facebook, Twitter, and even Instagram are on Obama’s marketing plan, it would be a good idea to look into which social media channels would best suit your needs. Have a look at a previous article about cross-branding social media with your business.

Let us know if we can help your business put together a successful and valuable web presence.


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