tell two friends expand reach 1200x700 1 3 Examples to Help You Expand Your Market Reach

3 Examples to Help You Expand Your Market Reach

In this share, we’re presenting three examples of how our founder Randy Milanovic has expanded our firm’s market reach in some very significant ways. We’re hoping they’ll fuel your own desire to reach beyond your own blog to grow your network in the most positive ways.

1. Guest Blog collaboration with (Nov 13/14) Is It Time to Trade Your Blog for a Newsletter?

As more bloggers move their content distribution model from blog updates to newsletters, Randy Milanovic asks what this means for other bloggers and businesses, and whether they should consider this move too. (Danny)

“A few months back, I noted that a handful of prominent bloggers were switching things up and taking their content straight to Google+. As a behavioural change, I found it interesting; as an online marketing practice, it wasn’t something I was willing to try. G+ isn’t the only alternative to blogging, though. Lately, another set of well-known bloggers – including Danny and Shelley Pringle of Polaris Marketing and PR – appear to be refocusing their efforts into an email newsletter. Nothing wrong with that. … But, what about getting visitors to their websites?” – Randy

Expanded Reach:

Achieving more than 40 comments on the post, a similar number in social, about 150 shares, and a top of-the-web listing on Social Media Informer, this article expanded the conversation outside of Randy’s normal blogging reach and presented several opportunities to connect with new people (colleagues, fans and new prospects).

Read the full post here. (Head’s up: Watch for Danny’s follow up post to appear on this blog soon.)

2. A Feature story Keep running in the Financial Post Magazine (Nov 4/14), FP ENTREPRENEUR: Innovators.

Claire Brownelle adds to her series on entrepreneurs who succeed dispite hardship. From a stage IV cancer diagnosis in the midst of the economic recession, to becoming a double finalist for small business of the year, and breakout business, Claire shares Randy’s entrepreneurial story. Referring to him as a Comeback Kid, and telling readers how he cheated death twice: once for himself and again for his business.

Expanded Reach:

Being the subject of a feature article in Canada’s premier financial publication brings with it exposure to 160,000 subscribers who just happen to be our nation’s business leaders as well. No matter how you cut it, that’s massive. Further, the issue presents Canada’s CEO Scorecard, an accounting of top CEO pay and the ROI they brought to their firms. With that type of content, actual readership can’t be anything but insane.

Read the online version here. (note: content is gated. Simply create an account to view.)


3. On the big stage with Robin Carey, CEO of Social Media Today.

Robin graciously invited Randy to join her on stage at Social Shake-Up in Atlanta to talk about his experience as a guest blogger (and Best Thinker) on their platform. (Spoiler alert: it’s about 2 things, the people, and the ROI.) 

Throughout the event, Randy networked with peers, breakfasted with keynote speakers and lunched with industry leaders. Additionally,  Randy was invited onstage in front of more than a thousand attendees and presenters on day one to talk about why he guest blogged regularly for no pay.

After convincing the technical crew to pop up a photo of him and and his SMT contact MJ hugging upon meeting for the first time, Randy spoke about the real returns he got on his time investment, comparing it to contributions on larger platforms. You’ll have to watch the video to get the full story.

Expanded Reach:

During the few minutes Randy was on stage, his twitter profile spiked by roughly 5,000 views. And after the event, the many high calibre people he met have been collaborating with him on interviews, articles and much more. This is truly an example of smaller numbers delivering larger returns.

Check out additional event keynotes and presentations from Social ShakeUp 2014 in Atlanta.

Randy wants to encourage you to start looking for ways to expand your reach now, because these are the people that are, or will become, your audience, prospects, and peers in the future.

Before you go, we’d like to remind you that the team at KAYAK has developed a training pogram for marketers who want to learn more about getting the most out of their online efforts. Please take a look at our Inbound Marketing training program today.

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