a trio of content creation tips for twitter facebook 3+3 Twitter and Facebook Update Tips

3+3 Twitter and Facebook Update Tips

A trio of content creation tips for Twitter & Facebook.

How to Update Your Facebook Status and Tweet Effectively

a-trio-of-content-creation-tips-for-twitter--facebookOnce you’ve got your business up and running on Facebook and Twitter, it’s time to start using it to your advantage. Facebook statuses and Tweets are the content that you publish, so be sure to put some thought and effort into what you are going to say. With social media, the customer is in control over what they choose to see or click. Give them something worth their time and they will reward you.

Facebook Statuses

The goal of social media content is to get engagement from users. Facebook statuses offer a wide variety of methods to attract that interaction. Some ideas:

  1. Post a photo or video that you can ask a question about (ie. “What do you think of our new staff lunchroom?)
  2. Let your Facebook followers know you have posted a new blog or have a new online feature and connect them with a link.
  3. Make sure it’s not always about you and your products too. Incorporate in some general industry stories and questions. The athletic apparel company Under Armour does an excellent job with this. They will use statuses like “The best team in the history of sports is ________.” That single status received nearly 2400 responses!

Twitter Tweets

Tweets are different than Facebook statuses, so be sure to treat them differently. There are many tools available that allow you to simultaneously post the same content on Facebook and Twitter. While this may be a time saver, it may not effectively use each platform. One example of this occurs when posting a long Facebook status that includes a link and having it come out incomplete on Twitter because a Tweet is limited to 140 characters. Use the same ideas, but be sure to optimize it for each medium.

Here are some helpful tips to optimize your Tweets:

  1. If you have a link, place it in the first half of the tweet. It has shown to have a higher click-through rate.
  2. Provide a brief, but telling, description of where that link will take people.
  3. The shelf life of a tweet is short. Post your content at different times throughout the day. People aren’t always going to go search for what you’ve said, so this will increase your chances of being seen. Don’t get carried away though. Three times a day for the same piece is optimal.

For even more ideas and to learn how to effectively integrate social media and your other online marketing efforts, take part in our Social Media and Online Marketing Training Program.


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