a collection of our most informative seo articles 1200x700 1 A collection of our most informative SEO articles

A collection of our most informative SEO articles

How does SEO work?

Despite sounding very complicated and technical, search engine optimization is more about writing content and understanding the way people search than it is technical.

Many claim to have a secret recipe for success, though in reality, creating great content, growing your web presence, engaging in social media and obtaining high quality links over time is the only ethical way to acheive long-lasting results. Here are 4 of the best blog articles you can read on the topic:

keywording-kayboard-website-1Given that they can determine the success or failure of your search engine optimization campaign (and possibly your Internet marketing campaign as a whole), it is surprising how little attention is often paid to keywords.

That’s true for business owners and executives as well as business web site designers – many just take it for granted that the most-searched words and phrases, or the ones with the most competition, represent the best places to start. Realistically, though, nothing could be further from the truth.

Obviously, your online marketing team should help you with keyword research at every step in the process. But, it’s still up to you to be informed and involved. With that in mind, here are some things to look for, or the anatomy of a great search marketing keyword: Read More.

website-embarrassed-.jpgEmbarrassed by your website?

Regardless of whether you launched your online presence years ago or last week, it’s important that you look through your pages from time to time and ensure that what you have on your site is still accurate, relevant, and putting your company in the best possible light. That’s because when there are things in your business website that shouldn’t be, they aren’t just wasting space – they are also creating the impression that you can’t manage details very well, and that’s never going to be good for business.

Here are some of the things we regularly find on business websites that have gotten out of date: Read More.

climbing-the-seo-ladderStart climbing the search results ladder.

A lot of business owners think that just because they haven’t tried search engine optimization in the past (or had campaigns that didn’t succeed), it’s too late to get started now. After all, other companies already have the market cornered on the most important search terms and phrases, and there isn’t much chance of competing with them… Right?

Nothing could be further from the truth. Although search engine optimization plans do become more effective over time, a site that hasn’t been optimized doesn’t have old mistakes to overcome, either. Besides, millions of new sites are launched every month. If they can rank in Google, so can your company.

Here are a handful of tips to help you succeed, regardless of whether you’re just starting out, or making an effort to start fresh: Read More.

local-seo-tipsHow to attract your local clientele.

Local search is already big, accounting for roughly one-fifth of Google’s 2 billion daily hits, and it’s still growing. Here are seven tips to make sure buyers in your area can find you via the major search engines: Read More.

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