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Social Media 101

The BIG 3 Social Networks: A quick guide to the three major social media platforms.

Each social media platform is unique and work in different ways.

Although most platforms can exchange content, they all have a personality that’s all theirs. This means we need to treat each platform differently. Here is a quick overview of the basic etiquette for content creation and communication on the big 3: Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.



The most common way for businesses to communicate with customers is through their own unique business page. These pages allow you to do everything an individual could do, but it does not limit the number of users who can connect with you (individuals can only have 5000 friends – awe shucks!). Facebook allows for a more in depth conversation than Twitter, with unlimited message length. This doesn’t mean you should post an entire blog on your Facebook page, but it does mean you can write a bit more.

Facebook’s latest development is that users can now share their activities without having to “like” something. Users can share what they’ve “watched,” “listened,” or “read”. “Liking” can be a big committment an can scare people off. The new verb style communication allows users to share and interact more discretely. The more freedom people feel they have to communicate, the easier it will be for them to share and connect with your business. Be sure to share things on your Facebook page that work, such as video, news articles, and even podcasts.



This is usually the most dynamic platform for a business. Twitter’s shortened communication style (140 characters only) creates a fast, almost instant messaging-like experience. Twitter is an excellent place to share short tidbits followed by a call-to-action. Because the postings are so short, the real valuable content usually comes from an attached link. Use this to your advantage by tracking what Tweets get the most interaction and shift your content to accommodate what Twitter users are engaging with.

Interact in real-time with customers and leads with Twitter. Twitter’s search tool allows you to easily search your brand and see what people are saying about it, and – most importantly – respond. Responding to customers who talk about your brand is the most useful feature of Twitter.

I read an excellent story about a communications company executive who searched out his brand one day and found a person who had tweeted that he was looking to choose between two suppliers, one being the said communications company. The executive immediately responded to the other user and it eventually led to a renewing six-figure contract. Had that executive not had the presence to search out his brand he may have missed out on that sale for his company.



For B2B businesses, this may be the most useful social media platform in your online marketing strategy. Participation on LinkedIn comes from an individual’s perspective, not your business as a whole. LinkedIn is a collection of professionals that are interested and engaged in expanding their industry knowledge and connecting with other professionals. This allows all of your employees to represent your business and generate content and buzz across the platform.

With LinkedIn, an excellent strategy is to start a group, or join one, about your industry and share your knowledge and ask questions. Here like-minded professionals will come together to discuss and share. Eventually those relationships will grow to a point where you can generate new customers. LinkedIn is also a great place to find new employees. Each profile is essentially a resume.

Social Media 101

The number one tip for social media is to be social. Content creation and interaction is what it’s all about. Just having a Facebook page, or a LinkedIn profile won’t do anything for you if you don’t have consistent and engaging content. If you’d like to expand and improve that, KAYAK Creative offers everything from coaching to content packages created specifically for your business.

Learn to use these tools effectively for business in our Social Media and Online Marketing Training Program. Click the button below to learn more.


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