whats holding you back from online marketing success 1200x700 1 What's Holding You Back From Online Marketing Success?

What’s Holding You Back From Online Marketing Success?

There are a lot of things that most people would like to do, even if they aren’t getting started with them at the moment. For example, many people have dreams of running a marathon, writing a novel, or learning a second language. And yet, they never seem to find the time or motivation to take action. Perhaps nowhere is this more damaging than when it comes to online marketing.

Despite the fact that millions of business owners and executives know how important it is to the success of their companies (not to mention their own careers), they only make halfhearted efforts to grow their businesses online.

Does that sound like something you’ve experienced? If so, you certainly aren’t the only one.

We talked to others who are in the same boat on a frequent basis. And, we have learned that their reluctance usually stems from one of these stumbling blocks:

1. They don’t understand online marketing.

To some, the process of online marketing can seem daunting, or even overwhelming. That’s understandable. There certainly is a lot of jargon, and online best practices change on a frequent basis. However, the core concepts are the same as they’ve always been for any business going back hundreds of years: identify your customers, attract them to your business, and then start a relationship. As long as you can grasp those ideas, the rest is really just about managing the details.

2. They would like to see online marketing results, but don’t think they really need them.

If your business is doing just fine without a strong online marketing plan, you might think it’s not really much of a necessity. That makes a certain amount of sense, but look at the other side of the coin: how much better could you be doing if customers were coming to you through the Internet? What would that mean for your bottom line, and the future of your company?

3. They think good online marketing is just too expensive.

Again, there is a certain element of truth here, as good online marketing does require an investment (time as well as money). At the same time, though, it’s important to recognize that it’s the return on that investment that’s really important. Any business expense is a good one if it helps you earn more money back in the future. When you think about it that way, working with a proven online marketing team is a lot cheaper than going without one.

4. They don’t know where to look for help, or who to trust.

This is probably the best reason to put off making changes to your web presence. Most of us know someone who’s been burned by the Internet marketing or SEO version of a snake oil salesman. The fear of being ripped off shouldn’t stop you from taking important steps, though, and you can find the right team to work with by following the same process you would with any other vendor. That is, look for a proven track record, a reputation for being trustworthy, and a way of working with you that makes you feel comfortable.

5. They are simply afraid of change and/or success.

There is no doubt that anything different can be scary, and making a serious effort in online marketing requires you to break old habits and embrace new possibilities and methods of doing things. Without change, though, nothing can ever get better. To see why it’s worth the effort, just talk to a business owner or executive who has already been through the process and is now enjoying a whole new level of lead generation.

There are always going to be reasons to procrastinate on any big project, but that doesn’t mean you should let those fears or misconceptions hold you back. Think for a moment about what it would mean for you and your business if your website were generating qualified leads each and every week… wouldn’t that be something worth moving forward to achieve?

Don’t hesitate to reach out to myself or the team at Kayak, or learn more by downloading the ebook (link below).


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