happy business executive 1920 8 Core Landing Page Principles

8 Core Landing Page Principles

Landing pages: a key to inbound marketing.

What Makes an Effective Landing Page?

Landing pages are necessary for any online marketing strategy. Landing pages direct your visitors to one specific offer without the distractions of everything else on your website. Visitors are on a landing page for one and only purpose: to complete the lead capture form!

Elements of an effective landing page include:

  1. Basic landing page elements: an offer, a form, a headline, sub-headline, a brief description of the offer and at least one supporting image.
  2. Keep your pages simple to minimize distractions.
  3. Never use your home page as a landing page.
  4. Remove site navigation (external links) from the landing page so visitors focus on completing the form.
  5. Make it very clear what the offer is and make it irresistible.
  6. Absolutely make sure that the content on your landing page matches your call-to-action.
  7. Don’t make visitors think too much or do too much reading.
  8. Use the right form and only collect the information you absolutely need – start wth just a name and email.

Remember that effective landing pages are what turn your website into a lead generating machine.

Source: 25 Website ‘Must Haves’ For Driving Traffic, Leads & Sales, HubSpot


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