what is on your business website that shouldnt be 1200x700 1 What is on Your Business Website That Shouldn't be?

What is on Your Business Website That Shouldn’t be?

Embarrassed by your website?

Regardless of whether you launched your online presence years ago or last week, it’s important that you look through your pages from time to time and ensure that what you have on your site is still accurate, relevant, and putting your company in the best possible light.

That’s because when there are things in your business website that shouldn’t be, they aren’t just wasting space – they are also creating the impression that you can’t manage details very well, and that’s never going to be good for business.

Here are some of the things we regularly find on business websites that have gotten out of date:

1. Old bios, images, and product descriptions.

These include everything from executive bios for members of the company who have moved on to product shots from the ’70s. If who you are, and what you sell, isn’t accurately reflected on your website, what does that tell buyers?

2. Prices that aren’t accurate anymore.

Besides the fact that incorrect pricing can lead to all kinds of legal liabilities, lost sales, and hits to your profit margin, having the wrong prices for your products or services also put you at a disadvantage to your competitors.

3. Products or services that are no longer being offered.

It’s a bad idea to have pages for things you no longer sell, since it inevitably leads to requests that can’t be honored. That, in turn, is one of the surest ways to negative reviews and a poor online reputation.

4. Missing links and pages.

Missing pages are bad for your website’s search engine positioning, which is reason enough to get rid of them. As much as Google doesn’t like broken links, however, your customers like them even less, since they make it hard for buyers to find what they’re looking for.

5. Terminology that isn’t current for the industry.

As with broken links, old terminology hurts you in two ways. First, it tells customers that you aren’t on the cutting edge of your industry; and secondly, it removes important keywords from your search engine profile.

6. Reminders about events that have passed already.

A calendar that hasn’t been updated in ages suggests that your business is no longer in business.

Although these examples are obvious ones, the real point is that there shouldn’t be anything in your business website that isn’t helping you to grow your business. Working with a strong web design team and a top-notch analytics platform, you should be able to tell which parts of your site are performing, and which ones aren’t.

What shouldn’t be on your website? Any page that’s incorrect, outdated, or isn’t helping you to reach your bottom-line goals. How can we help you to build a more efficient web presence?


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