the 1 2 3 of this calgary internet marketing firms success 3 Habits of Highly Effective Inbound Marketing

3 Habits of Highly Effective Inbound Marketing

1. Blog weekly.

Blogging is the meat of any social media presence. Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are all great tools, but the blog allows you to expand on a thought and create really valuable content. Blogs also take a static website and make it dynamic. Search engines look for this activity and reward regular content updates with higher rankings in searches.

If you aren’t able to come up with blog content weekly, you run the risk of losing the momentum you’ve gained from previous weeks.

2. Participate in social media without your sales hat.

Yes, the whole point to social media is to get more customers. But people don’t want to be constantly sold to. Learn how to tactfully bring up your services or products as a solution to a problem rather than letting everyone know how great your stuff is.

3. Act like a real person.

Even though you’re representing a business, you shouldn’t always speak from the perspective of the business. Use your own voice. The reader has a much easier time relating to another person rather than a business.

Attach your name to your work too. You become accountable for what you say, but you are able to position yourself as an expert in your field.

3 MORE Habits of Highly Effective Inbound Marketers

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